[기계시스템학부] 미국 Purdue 대학교 기계공학과 박사과정 문혜란 강사님 특강

  • shpark21@sm.ac.kr
  • 02-2077-7862
  • 르네상스 406호
기계시스템학부] 미국 Purdue 대학교 기계공학과 박사과정 문혜란 강사님 특강

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  • 프로그램 일정 상태 비고


Invited Seminar

Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering



Engineered microenvironment for biological system


날짜  2019년 10월 29일 화요일

시각 12시 – 13

장소 르네상스 406

신청   SNOWAY 비교과프로그램(마일리지 2000점 부여)

대상  공개강의 (타과생 환영합니다^^)

연사  Hye-ran Moon (Ph. D. Candidate)

약력  현재  PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

        2015 MS in Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University

        2013 BS in Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University



Microfluidics is a technology that manipulates microscale fluid flow through microchannels. Due to its precise controllability and easy accessibility, microfluidic technology provides new ways to create an actual living organism-like environment in microscale. My research applies the microfluidics to exploring the biophysical mechanisms as the engineered platform, in particular, cancer progression. An actual tumor microenvironment is highly complex comprising multiple extracellular compartments and various types of cells. The complexity has been a critical barrier to elucidate important biological implications. In this talk, I will introduce the development of the engineered microenvironment using microfluidics and how the engineered platform is applied to study the impact of the complexity and heterogeneity from sing cell- to tissue-level. In addition, I will talk about graduate life at Purdue University. It will be a great opportunity to share my experience of working, studying, and living abroad as a woman in mechanical engineering.



*출석확인증 발급해드립니다.(학생 본인의 시간표 출력해오세요.)

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  • [기계시스템학부] 미국 Purdue 대학교 기계공학과 박사과정 문혜란 강사님 특강


    2,000 부터

    19 명 / 무제한

    접수인원 제한없음
