[수학과] 콜로키움 10월 4일_Small Debye length limit for the Euler- poisson system
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학습 전공능력연계
사회교육관 417
Small Debye length limit for Euler- poison system
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- 프로그램 일정 상태
We discuss existence, time-asymptotic behavior, and quasi-neutral limit for the Euler-Poisson equations. Specifically we construct the global-in-time solution of the plasma sheath in the regime of Bohm's criterion, and investigate the properties of the solution including the time-asymptotic behavior and small Debye length limit. If time permits, some key features of the proof and related problems will be discussed. This is joint work with C.-Y. Jung (UNIST) and M. Suzuki (Nagoya Tech.).
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[수학과] 콜로키움 10월 4일_Small Debye length limit for the Euler- poisson system
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