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[기계시스템학부] 한국과학기술연구원 정대환 박사님 특강

  • shpark21@sm.ac.kr
  • 02-2077-7862
  • 르네상스 404호
[기계시스템학부] 한국과학기술연구원 정대환 박사님

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  • 프로그램 일정 상태 비고


Invited Seminar

Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering


III-V semiconductor heteroepitaxy for advanced photonic materials, devices and applications

날짜  201911월 14일 목요일

시각 11시 -12

장소 르네상스플라자 404

신청 Snoway 비교과 프로그램 (마일리지 2000)

대상  공개강의 (타과생 환영합니다)

연사  정대환 박사

약력  현재  Senior Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology

        2018 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Santa Barbara

        2016 PhD in Electrical Engineering, Yale University

2010  BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas


III-V materials such as GaN, GaAs and InP are the most common materials for LEDs, lasers, and space solar cells. GaN LEDs have been replacing florescent light bulbs in our houses. GaAs-based VCSELs are the main components in the data center communications and in the iPhone’s face ID technology. Revolution of such materials growth and device design have enabled such disruptive technologies. This seminar will first present some of those crucial III-V photonic materials and devices. Then, I will show my previous works on epitaxial growth of InAs quantum dot lasers on silicon for next-generation telecom applications. The lasers show a very low threshold current, temperature-insensitivity, low reflection-sensitivity and ultra-small foot-print compared to the quantum well counterparts. Especially for this seminar, I will be talking about expected positive effects of a laser performance by leveraging thermal issues arising from high current injection.


간단한 다과가 제공됩니다.

출석확인증 발급해드립니다.(본인 시간표 가져오세요)

상세일정 및 신청하기
  • 프로그램 일정 마일리지 신청기간 신청현황
  • [기계시스템학부] 한국과학기술연구원 정대환 박사님 특강


    2,000 부터

    5 명 / 무제한

    접수인원 제한없음
