[기계시스템학부] 싱가폴 난양 과학기술대 Pei-Chen Su 교수님 특강
- 전체 학생
- 전체 학년/전체 성별
- 전체 학과
학습 전공능력연계
르네상스 406호
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- 프로그램 일정 상태
Invited Seminar
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Silicon Nano Thin Film Micro-solid Oxide Fuel Cells For Low Temperature Operation
날짜 2019년10월 10일 목요일
시각 3시
장소 르네상스플라자 406호
대상 공개강의 (영어강의)
신청 SNOWAY 비교과 특강 신청(마일리지 2000점)
연사 Pei-Chen Su교수
약력 2018-현재 Associate Professor in School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2011-2018 Assistant Professor in School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2009-2011 Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
2005-2009 PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2003-2005 MS in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2001-2003 MS in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
1997-2001 BS in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
This talk will give an introduction of the state-of-art micro solid oxide fuel cells (micro-SOFCs) using silicon-based micromachining technology to achieve a breakthrough increase in lateral dimension of such electrochemical energy conversion devices. The lateral dimension of the nanoscale thin film electrolyte membrane, which the thickness is only tens of nanometer, has been chronically limited to only hundreds of micrometers scale due to the fragile thin oxide membrane. Through our unique design from the mechanics approach to relieve the stress level of the membrane, and with the help of a simple combinatorial etching process, the lateral dimension of the micro-SOFCs electrolyte membrane was increased to several millimetres scale. The technology breakthrough introduced here can further the practical application of such promising device closer to commercial manufacturing stage in the area including unmanned aviation vehicles (UAVs) or military drones.
In addition to the fuel cell research, I will also give an overview of our work on 4D printing, as well as the activities in Singapore 3D printing center.
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[기계시스템학부] 싱가폴 난양 과학기술대 Pei-Chen Su 교수님 특강
2,000 부터
까지5 명 / 무제한
접수인원 제한없음