[기계시스템학부] 초청 세미나 Advanced thermal management technologies for next generation electronic systems
- 전체 학생
- 전체 학년/전체 성별
- 전체 학과
학습 전공능력연계
르네상스 403호
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- 프로그램 일정 상태
Invited Seminar
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Advanced thermal management technologies for next generation electronic systems
날짜 2019년10월 2일 수요일
시각 12시
장소 르네상스플라자 403호
대상 공개강의(타과생 환영)
연사 이형순 교수
신청 SNOWAY 비교과 신청 가능(마일리지 2000점)
약력 Present Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University
2016 Postdoctoral Scholar in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2014 PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
2011 MS in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
2008 Engineer, Hyundai Motors
2006 BS in Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
As the demand for high-performance electronic systems increases, advanced thermal management techniques have received a considerable amount of attention because of their broad potential benefits, e.g., multifunctionality, increased performance, reduced power, small form factor, reduced packaging, increased yield and reliability, flexible heterogeneous integration, and reduced overall cost. There have been many studies in the past few decades aimed at developing different types of thermal management technique for delivering these benefits. The rapid emergence of new technologies such as nano-fabrication, microporous materials, 3D printing techniques has led to a steep increase in heat dissipation rate of electronics and growing concern over the emergence of on-chip hot spots. In this talk, Dr. Lee explores various thermal management techniques for next generation electronic systems. The state-of-the-art experimental skills using complex microfluidics fluid routing, and 3D stack chip cooling are addressed in detail. He then extends the study to Computational Fluid Dynamics technique for boiling and condensation in mini/micro scales.
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[기계시스템학부] 초청 세미나 Advanced thermal management technologies for next generation electronic systems
2,000 부터
까지14 명 / 무제한
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