[기계시스템학부] 세미나 특강!!!(High-Stability and Temperature-Compensated MEMS Resonant Beam Accelerometer)
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학습 전공능력연계
프라임관 203호
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- 프로그램 일정 상태
High-Stability and Temperature-Compensated MEMS Resonant Beam Accelerometer
Because of their low cost, small size, and batch manufacturability, silicon-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) provide an intriguing platform for inertial sensors. My research explores thepotential of MEMS resonant accelerometers as a viable candidate in the field of high precision applications. Typical high performance accelerometers are often subject to performance limitations due to temperature dependence, aging, and packaging environment degradations. For example, any drift in the system during inertial navigation in the absence of GPS leads to poor tracking accuracy and requires further compensation. In the first part of this talk, I will present design, fabrication, and implementation of various compensation schemes for achieving highly stable silicon MEMS resonant accelerometers over a large temperature range. Lastly, I will briefly discuss the work and opportunities at Facebook. More specifically, I will talk about the internship experience as a mechanical engineer, as well as the work culture at the Facebook Reality Labs.
☞ 세미나 주제 : High-Stability and Temperature-Compensated MEMS Resonant Beam Accelerometer(강연 후반에 페이스북 리엘리티 랩에서의 인턴쉽 경험에 대한 이야기를 간략히 하실 예정)
☞ 강사 : Dongsuk Daniel Shin 박사 (Facebook Reality Labs)
2019 PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2017 MS In Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2014 BS In Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
☞ 일시 : 2019년 5월 15일 수요일 12-13시
☞ 대상 : 공개강의, 영어세미나
☞ 장소 : 프라임관 203호
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** 문의 : 르네상스 501호 기계시스템학부 사무실, 02-2077-7862
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[기계시스템학부] 세미나 특강!!!(High-Stability and Temperature-Compensated MEMS Resonant Beam Accelerometer)
2,000 부터
까지13 명 / 무제한
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