Sookmyung and the Embassy of Finland, Seoul, offer a 'Panel Talk' on How to Build Human-Centric AI.
(This program is aiming to invite 20 exchange students and 10 Soomyung students.)
Panel Talk: How to Build Human-Centric AI
- 전체 학생
- 전체 학년/전체 성별
- 전체 학과
진로 특강/워크숍/캠프
로그인이 필요합니다.
핵심역량 지수
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로그인이 필요합니다
나의 신청내역
- 프로그램 일정 상태
Sookmyung and the Embassy of Finland, Seoul, offer a Panel Talk on How to Build Human-Centric AI.
Date/Time: Oct. 31 (Tue) 15:00~16:00
Location: Digital Humanity Center, Sookmyung
Keynote Speech: Ms. Anita Lehikoinen, Vice-Minister of Education & Culture of Finland
Panel discussion
- Dr. Erja Heikkinen, Science Policy Director, Ministry of Education and Culture
- Ms. Meeri Haataja, Founder &CEO,
- Prof. Hyun-Joo JUNG, Seoul National University (TBC)
- Prof. Yujin Im, Sookmyung Women's University
Moderator: Antti Niemelä, DHOM, Embassy of Finland
Closing Remarks: Dr. Paula Eerola, President, Research Council of Finland
* This program is aiming to invite 20 exchange students and 10 Soomyung students. (First come, first confirmed)
** The mileage points will be accumulated once a survey is completed within 2weeks.
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Panel Talk: How to Build Human-Centric AI
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